Setor de Petróleo e Gás

Otimize os ativos e obtenha melhor controle dos projetos globalmente enquanto mapeia novos caminhos por meio da diversificação


As empresas de gás e petróleo alcançam 22% de aumento na produtividade com a IFS

Digitalize e melhore a eficiência do negócio dos seus ativos

Uma solução de software empresarial focado na indústria configurado para ajudar seu negócio de petróleo e gás a operar de modo mais eficiente é fundamental conforme a indústria de energia continua a se transformar.


Empresas globais de petróleo e gás otimizam ativos móveis com a IFS

Soluções corporativas projetadas especificamente para empresas de energia que são proprietárias e operam ativos móveis complexos em ambiente onshore e offshore. Descubra como o IFS Cloud pode melhorar a eficiência e aumentar a lucratividade.

Projetos controlados. Margens melhoradas.

Sucesso é quando você entrega o projeto no prazo, dentro do escopo e do orçamento. Com uma solução desenhada para empresas de serviço baseadas em projetos, você lidará com projetos ainda mais complexos e adicionará valor contínuo ao aumentar a eficiência e melhorar a lucratividade.

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Eis o que os clientes estão falando

Solutions and Capabilities for Oil and Gas

  • Oil and Gas EAM Software

    Oil and gas companies manage complex systems and processes. They need to define assets, manage materials and inventory, monitor asset availability and handle documentation. Oil and gas EAM software can assist your business to plan and optimize processes, track performance and provide analytics and reporting.

    IFS provides oil and gas EAM software that helps you boost asset availability and reliability. Our EAM solution for oil and gas companies can manage data collection, provide insights, control and stability, helping you to optimize the quality and utilization of your assets, offering increased productivity and enhanced shareholder value.

  • Oil and Gas ERP

    The oil and gas industry can be very complex and requires the accurate and efficient management of several processes and workflows. There are always increasing demands and the need to comply with both internal and external factors. Coupled with the increasing need for innovative energy products in the market, it can very quickly become a difficult task to manage all the intricacies of a successful business within this industry sector.

    Oil and gas ERP software can support functions including manufacturing, operations, project management, finance, inventory, supply chain, asset management, production, suppliers, distributors and customers helping ensure both growth and profitability.

    IFS provides oil and gas ERP software and enterprise solutions that will help your business increase efficiency and profitability regardless of external factors.  

  • Upstream Oil and Gas Software
    Upstream oil and gas companies need to manage their business from the field through the back office and beyond. They are under pressure to maximize the value of their assets and lower operating expenses. Upstream operators are seeking ways to digitalize their oil fields through automation while improving efficiencies.

    IFS provides oil and gas production, accounting, land management, and geospatial information software to help optimize business processes and performance with solutions designed for the upstream oil and gas sector.

Soluções para o setor de petróleo e gás

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