
Gérez le cycle de vie complet de vos services et actifs sur une même plateforme évolutive, avec IFS Cloud


Les attentes de plus en plus élevées des clients, l’évolution des modèles d’entreprise et la pression de la concurrence font des services un élément de différenciation essentiel pour la pérennité et la croissance de l’entreprise. Mais sans une visibilité totale sur les plateformes et les systèmes existants, les télécoms peinent à respecter leurs SLA, à répondre aux demandes de leurs clients et à rationaliser leurs opérations.

Enrichissez votre expérience client, avec une plateforme de Service Management sur tout le cycle

Les capacités de service sur tout le cycle d’IFS résolvent les problèmes de délais de réponse trop longs et de service déficients, grâce à un système unique gérant les demandes de services du début à la fin – du contrat lui-même à la technologie mobile. IFS a déjà permis à ses clients de réduire de 50 % le délai moyen de traitement de leurs demandes, et d’améliorer de 20 % l’efficacité opérationnelle de leurs agents de service.


Transformez la productivité et l’efficacité du personnel par la programmation avancée

Optimiser la productivité de votre main-d’œuvre sur le terrain tout en offrant une excellente expérience à vos clients est plus difficile que jamais dans l’économie à la demande d’aujourd’hui. Basé sur l’IA et les algorithmes avancés, l’outil de programmation et d’optimisation en temps réel avancé d’IFS dope l’efficacité de votre main d’œuvre, avec une augmentation de 28 % des services accomplis par jour.


Gérez le cycle de vie complet des actifs et vos performances sur une seule plateforme.

IFS est le spécialiste des entreprises aux nombreux actifs d’aujourd’hui. Tirant parti du machine learning, de la réalité augmentée et de la technologie des jumeaux numériques, notre solution vous permet de gérer tout le cycle de vie de vos actifs, du commissionnement au décommissionnement. IFS classée numéro 1 de l’étude «∘Global EAM Market Share 2021 By Revenue∘» de Gartner®

Témoignages de nos clients

Solutions and capabilities for telecommunications

  • ERP for Telecommunications

    An ERP system for Telecommunications companies can offer benefits through real time data access, offering additional business insight and the ability to help reduce errors. It can assist with business activities for example, employee management, customer relationship management (CRM), asset management, accounting, and financial management.

    IFS ERP software is a set of modules, like an ala carte menu, where the CSP can choose which modules are needed to manage the business in the best way. As an example, the human resource modules complement an FSM solution with the possibility to streamline competence management of the field workers. The supply chain modules will help increase the first-time fix rate by providing the right parts at the right time to the field workers. The accounting and customer modules can be used to manage sub-contractors.

    IFS offers a complete, easy to use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) modular solution that can help businesses and organizations within the telecom sector to streamline and integrate critical business processes to drive greater efficiency.

  • Field Service Management Telecommunications

    IFS Field Service Management (FSM) is a system that helps Communications Service Providers (CSPs) deliver effective onsite service by tracking requests, managing personnel, and maintaining visibility into operations. By breaking down silos, automating workflows, and streamlining processes, the IFS FSM solution helps CSPs to deliver frictionless field service experiences to customers and employees with one integrated system.

    From a customer satisfaction point of view, the obvious benefits are improved service delivery, faster response times, and increased transparency. For the CSPs, IFS FSM reduces costs, increases revenue, and improves customer retention.

    In summary, IFS Field Service Management provides benefits for both customers and CSPs. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

  • Enterprise Software for the Telecom Industry

    Telecom companies often run numerous complex processes which need to be managed and implemented effectively. IFS Telecom enterprise software can be used to organize and manage these to ensure the successful running of any organization.

    The telecom industry is constantly undergoing technological evolution. For CSPs to manage this constant change and at the same time drive service innovation forward, they need their own internal enterprise software systems to be stable and reliable.

    Good telecom enterprise software is especially important today as it enables companies to support all aspects of their business including operations, as well as business development and customer facing activities. When everything around you is evolving, it can be hard to maintain efficiency and find viable cost savings. IFS telecom enterprise software helps by streamlining all business processes so that CSPs always can find savings, identify efficiency blockers and reduce waste.

    IFS provides enterprise software for the telecom industry that can do all the heavy lifting, leaving you to focus on just effectively managing the business for success.

  • Telecom Asset Management Software

    IFS Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) for Telecom is a combination of software, systems, and services used to maintain and control assets and Telecom equipment. For CSPs and telecom infrastructure companes, the benefits of IFS EAM include the ability to optimize the quality and utilization of assets throughout their whole lifecycle, increase productive uptime, and reduce operational costs.

    IFS EAM software is the only EAM software suite that supports a CSP not only after the assets are taken into production but also during a network rollout project, all the way from design to demand planning and construction of the telecom site(s) or fiber installations.

    IFS EAM is the only EAM software that supports the entire asset lifecycle all the way from design to decommissioning.

  • Telecom Site Management Software

    Telecom site management software enables the real time monitoring of projects and assets for telecommunications organizations. It is used to manage all aspects of the business to help with the successful running of the company.

    Good telecom site management software can help in all areas, including telecom tower deployment, fiber deployment and telecom contractor management. It can help match resources to jobs, manage high volume deployments and maintenance requests, all via a real-time automated platform.

    At IFS, we understand the importance of having good telecom site management software. This is why we offer a world-class, end-to-end service management platform that will help optimize your productivity and transform your business operations.

Solutions pour votre secteur


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